Description: Sarracenia 'Leah Wilkerson' is renowned for its vigor, size and coloration. It is likely a complex hybrid of Sarracenia leucophylla, flava and possibly rosea. In cultivation it can reach 36 inches in height. Lids are a pale yellow verging on white, with regularly spaced red veining throughout. This is the crown jewel of any pitcher plant collection. For more information please view the ICPS official cultivar description.
S. ‘Leah Wilkerson’ is also a valuable plant for developing new cultivars. Some noteworthy 'Leah Wilkerson' offspring include S. ‘Legacy’, S. ‘Tower of Terror’ and S. ‘Iamsatyricon’.
Pitcher Plant Care: Plant Sarracenia Leah Wilkerson in full sun to part shade outdoors. Use peat moss and perlite in a very large planter and keep it wet. S. 'Leah Wilkerson' will reach its full potential only when grown in a planter with adequate room. For plants reaching maturity, try a 5 gallon or larger container. It loses its leaves in the winter. Cold hardy to 20F in a pot and 0F in the ground.
All plants will ship bare root, without pots and soil.