Sarracenia (’Lunchbox’ x ’Johnny Wilkerson’) x ’Adrian Slack’ seeds

Sarracenia ('Lunchbox' x "Johnny Wilkerson") x 'Adrian Slack' seeds

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$ 14.99
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$ 14.99
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The clone of S. 'Lunchbox' x "Johnny Wilkerson" that we used is nicknamed v17 and is a beautiful red with white topped moorei that has some great breeding potential.  S. 'Adrian Slack' creates seedlings with narrow hood columns and plenty of white on top. 

Expect some really interesting moorei with white lids and narrow hood columns.  Get these seeds if your garden needs some pep in its step!

Each packet contains approximately 25 seeds. does not offer customer support for seed-growing plants.  Please click here for some helpful guidelines.

